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Dead Sea Black Mud Soap 建議售價: 100 g 350元

Sheryl SPA死海泥皂由純淨死海泥礦物質與茶樹精油組成,可深層清潔,去除多餘油脂,賦予肌膚清新柔嫩、絲觸般的感受,還原其健康閃亮的原貌。

Sheryl SPA死海泥皂亦能有效卸除彩粧與雜質,適合中性至油性肌膚使用,尤其是問題型膚質。

使用說明:每日使用Sheryl SPA死海泥皂清潔手部與身體,讓柔細泡沫留置肌膚上1至2分鐘後,再以溫水洗淨。

SHERYL 以茶樹精油搭配死海泥的海鹽皂,將帶給你回歸大地及清新自然的喜悅感受。

衛署粧廣字第 9510115 號

Sheryl Mud Soap is a natural soap extremely rich in Dead Sea mud blended with Dead Sea Minerals and Tea Tree Oil. If freshens and deeply cleans, restores, removes excessive oiliness, leaving skin soft, revitalized and silky; it imparts a fresh feeling, and glowing appearance. Dead Sea Black Mud Soap is effective in removing make-up and helps to get rid of complexion impurities and excessive oiliness. Our mud soap is ideal for normal to oily skin types, especially for oily and problematic skin. In certain skin conditions it relieves irritation and itching and helps mend conditions that lead to acne.
